a picture of me

About me

  • Alexandre Défossez
  • Chief Exploration Officer at Kyutai, the leading lab in AI in Paris, with a strong focus on doing open source and open science in AI. My research focus is on multi-modal LLMs.
  • Before that, research scientist at FAIR Paris for 3 years, leading the effort for music generation (MusicGen), and co-leaded the development of the AudioCraft framework.
  • Formerly CIFRE PhD student at FAIR Paris and Sierra at INRIA Paris, under the supervision of Léon Bottou (FAIR), Nicolas Usunier (FAIR) and Francis Bach (INRIA). Studied maths and physics at ENS Paris, and applied maths master deg. (MVA) at ENS Saclay.
  • [scholar] [github] [twitter] [linked in]


Multimodal LLMs, audio generation, source separation, stochastic optimization, and AI for science.
Also, amateur DJ and composer [artist website].





Gave one lecture on Deep Learning at Scale at Mines Paritech for the PSL week on Large-Scale Machine Learning. The slides and code are available on the lesson github.


Teaching assistant for the Deep Learning: Do-It-Yourself! class at Ecole Normale Superieure:


I wrote my PhD manuscript on the Optimization of Fast Deep Learning Network for Audio Analysis and Synthesis. Half of it is on audio synthesis and source separation, and the other half is on adaptive and stochastic optimization.